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Writer's pictureAmy Clark

Adversity Creates Opportunity | Finding our new “normal”

Recently, one of my friends reminded me that, “adversity creates opportunity.” Which makes me wonder, what is our new “normal” and where is the opportunity in it?

Finding “our new normal,” “my new normal,” and “your new normal,” are all phrases we hear a lot these days. So many normals have changed in the past several weeks that I found myself wondering, will it ever be normal again? What will it look like? Are there opportunities in these different times? I am sure many of us have had these thoughts. We seem to have more questions than answers.

From a professional perspective, my new work normal, like many of yours, has changed and looks very different. Being in sales, we are used to being out and about amongst our customers and prospects. Today my normal is going into my home office and figuring out a creative way to reach my customers. How does this look? Should I act concerned or not concerned? Do I talk about the virus? Do I try to talk about products? Do I ask about their business and how it is impacted? Do I ask about their families?

In my opinion, the answer is yes to all of these questions. Our world was turned upside down almost overnight. We need to acknowledge our reality and allow people to talk about it. AND, yes, I believe we also need to talk about products and the next steps after we kick this virus’ butt!

My life now, before, and after from my perspective:

My old normal: God, family, work, and friends. Going to church on Sundays and sometimes on Wednesday was “just what I did.” I did not give it as much thought as I should have because it was just normal to do it. Praying and reading my bible when I could find the time. Going out to dinner and a movie with my family. Having our grandson over to stay the night or the weekend. Hanging out with my mom and dad and drinking coffee. Hanging out with my friends meant going to their house for dinner, watching movies, relaxing on their patio, or meeting up for dinner at a restaurant. Going to work meant getting dressed and going to the office, driving to a customer’s office for a presentation, stopping by to check on an account, or working a tradeshow.

My new normal: God, family, work, and friends. I have created a prayer space that is in a quiet area where I read my bible, pray, and reflect on what is important in my life. I attend church in my living room in front of a TV with only my husband beside me. I spend a lot more time with God because everything else seems unsure and, since the world has slowed down, I have more time. I do not get to hug my family these days, and I miss that! My daughters are both in healthcare, so we are choosing to respect the distancing. My parents live with me, so I am extra cautious about protecting them from everything.

Some days the thought crosses my mind to stay in my sweatpants, but I have continued to get up, get dressed, and walk to my home office! I try to create a schedule and purpose for being in the office more than usual. Each call takes longer, but it is motivating to talk to my customers and hear the good things - and sometimes the bad, or simply that they are doing ok. I try to stay focused, not worrying about tomorrow; instead, I focus on making a difference today. My new set of friends are my neighbors. I see them out walking and working in their yards, and spending more time with family. I am learning more about them, and it has been wonderful.

Our next new normal: God, family, work, and friends. No one knows what our next new “normal” will look like, but what I hope is that we all stay just a little more humble and kind. I hope families continue to come around the kitchen table. I hope we spend more one on one time with our kids and grandkids. I hope we continue to learn new things - sewing, painting, music, crafting, reading, hiking, biking, or walking. Even just sitting quietly with our thoughts a little more often. You see, the important things are always the same regardless of the before, the now, or the after: God, family, work, and friends. We get to write the ending to this story. Each of us has the opportunity to make a difference in how this ends. Let’s stay loving, kind, and humble.

We at Ward-Kraft are here to help you and your customers when you need us. Don’t hesitate to reach out - even if it’s just to chat about your opportunities and new “normal.” My God bless each of you! Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay home!


Amy Clark

Sales Representative

800.821.4021 ext. 5509

800.821.4021 ext. 5509

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